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Become A Better you

Change your thoughts, change your life

This changes everything

There’s ONE thing you can change that has a surprising impact on your health, mood, and pretty much everything you do! It isn’t a workout and it doesn’t involve overhauling your diet.

It’s your thoughts — and they’re super important because you have thousands and thousands of them every single day, playing a role in your mindset, your productivity, and your self-image.

  In fact, your brain cranks out between 6,000 (according to a study in Nature) and 70,000 (according to the Cleveland Clinic) thoughts every single day.

That’s a LOT of thoughts.  The wild thing is, most of them run on autopilot.

Now imagine if even a FRACTION of those thoughts is negative.

That means you’re facing a daily barrage of messages telling you that you’re not going to succeed, that you don’t measure up, that you’re not good enough, and on and on it goes.

AND… if you’re like most people, you’ve been hearing those messages for so long that you don’t even notice them anymore. They just become the “background noise” in your brain.

How TRAGIC is that?

In the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer: Change your thoughts, change your life.

Try this trick to “prime” your brain for positivity

this stat on Jack Canfield’s blog that blew me away:

“Researchers estimate that we think about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts a day – and that about 80% of those thoughts are negative.

WHAT! That’s a mind-blown amount of negative self-talk.

If you’re going to live the life you are MEANT to live and that you DESERVE, it can’t be dragged down by all of that negativity and doubt.

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying:

● “They must think I’m _____”

● “I should be _____ by now.”

● “Why am I so _____.”

● “Why can’t I ever seem to ____.”

And filling in those blanks with something negative … then you have GOT to change the conversation happening in your head.

Studies show you can “prime” your brain to be more open to feeling confident, positive, and make healthier choices – and physically alter your brain circuitry in a way that promotes more positive responses!

Studies show you can “prime” your bra

in to be more open to feeling confident, positive, and make healthier choices – and physically alter your brain circuitry in a way that promotes more positive responses!

Here are two things to try:

1. Meditation. You can notice a difference in brain circuitry after just 2 weeks of meditation! Compassion and kindness meditations are very impactful. Many apps (like Headspace or Calm) include these guided meditations, plus there are hundreds of them for free on YouTube.

2. Discover WHY. Think about why or how your health (or your body confidence) is meaningful for you.

Why does it matter? How will it serve you, your family, your community? What will it help you do, be, or achieve?

Making that “meaningful” connection turns on the part of your brain that responds to health advice. That, in turn, can help you feel more proactive about taking action!

Pairing these priming techniques with the shift in negative to positive self-talk will pack a 1-2 punch … and negativity won’t stand a chance.

This is incredibly POWERFUL if you apply it and take action. It just takes a little practice.

Time For A Change

If you’re not sure about your own wellness and fitness goals, We would love to help. Being fit and healthy requires being intentional about your environment, your schedule and your relationships. Complete the request form below on how to get started .

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